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Assault Rifles

Assault Rifles


Here we have one of the most popular guns around, people either love it or hate it, but the great majority tend to react favourably when you bring up the topic of the AK. It is the least expensive rifle in the game at only $2500 definitely a bargain, especially when you consider that it's the most powerful assault rifle as well as having 30 bullets in the clip.

So why so cheap? well, I didn't mention the recoil yet....on full auto this gun is about as inaccurate as they come. Only upon mastering how to use this gun will you appreciate how good it is. In close quarters battle it is superb, it's powerful, good rate of fire and on full auto you can empty a small space very quickly. For me though range is where the AK47 excels, if you use burst firing. This gun can be used as a sniper rifle but without the scope, that's how good it is from distance. Two or three accurate shots from this gun across a mid to long range distance will hurt an opponent pretty badly, stop, let the crosshair recover, and fire two or three more and he'll be dead....often he'll be dead before you even get to fire the last few bullets. Learn to handle the recoil and you'll love this gun. T Only.

SG552 Commando

Much like the AK47, this gun is good in both CQB and long range scenarios, but it tends to be a lot more accurate when using burst fire obviously. It is less powerful than the AK but comes with a built in scope to assist you in long range fights. When you're zoomed in the rate of fire does drop noticably but accuracy is helped which is what you want from range.

A lot less effort is required to learn how to use this gun than the ak, again because of the recoil issues, overall a good gun....Terrorists should feel safe with this 30 round gun in their hands. It's more expensive than the AK47, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a better gun, maybe it's just easier to handle. T Only.

Colt M4A1

The favourite gun of the CT masses, the colt is a great gun and is more often than not likely to be compared with the AK rather than the Commando. It's the cheapest of the two CT assault rifles and represents more value for money than it's CT counterpart, the Aug. It has a 30 round clip and is also pretty darn powerful.

The accuracy on the colt can be quite wayward on full spray, so you're best bet again is to stick with burst firing unless in CQB. The main difference between the Colt and the other assault rifles is the silencer it comes with. This can be a great tool when used effectively and before the enemy can work out where you're coming from they can be almost dead. The silencer may make the Colt slightly weaker, but it makes it all the more deadly. CT only.

Steyr Aug

This gun is very popular, like all assault rifles, and is the CT equivalent of the SG552 Commando. It is more expensive than the Colt, which is probably mainly down to it having an additional scope for you to use.

It's a pretty powerful gun with a good rate of fire, which again is slowed when you're zoomed in, although it does take a bit longer to reload than the Colt does, or the T's commando for that matter. Overall though, a great gun and worth the money if you can afford it as it's pretty accurate, and even better in bursts. An Aug on full auto will clear a small room pretty darn quickly. CT only.

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